Sunday, October 18, 2015

We Need to Do Something....

We need to do something about the way we treat this world. The earth is very polluted and we can do so much more about it than what we choose to do.

For example, instead of littering just wait until you find a garbage can. Instead of taking a car to go somewhere walk. Walking is great for the body and you'll be saving the planet. Unplug cell phone chargers when we're not using them will save energy, and also turning off  a light when you don't need it.

We only have one earth. Humans have spent thousands of years of adapting in order to make it habitable. I don't know about you, but I don't want to live on Mars. We need to change our ways or before we know it, we are seriously are going to be screwed. There has been cars that run off of water of Carbon Dioxide, so instead of usoing cars that rely on fossil fuels we need those cars. There is also a hole in the o zone layer, if that hole gets bigger than we aer going to be burned alive.

So on earth day, gather some friends and plant some trees or pick up garbage, but do something other than watch our world wither away.